At Whitmore Park Primary School we follow the Statutory Framework for EYFS and the National Curriculum Design and Technology programme in KS1 and KS2. This is supplemented by the Design and Technology Association ‘Projects on a page’ to inform both teaching and learning in the classroom.
We designed the curriculum to enable the children to develop progression in a range of skills and techniques. Children will also use subject specific vocabulary with confidence when talking about their own work, the work of their peers and that of established people working in the field.
All units will follow the sequence of:
- Designer/evaluate existing products.
- Technical knowledge.
- Design.
- Make.
- Evaluate.
A range of artists and designers are introduced to our children in their design and technology lessons, to build on their cultural capital and enhance pupil engagement and experiences. This is a vital part of the curriculum to allow the children to see the potential career opportunities they have for their future.
All pupils will experience design and technology in a gallery/museum context. This will involve a visit to the MAD Museum in KS2, to help inform their learning back in the classroom. It is important that all children have experience of public art and an appreciation for curatorship.
Our Aims
The curriculum for Design and Technology aims to ensure all pupils:
- Develop the creative, technical and practical expertise to participate in an increasingly technological world.
- Develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world.
- Build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users.
- Critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others.
Most of the design and technology curriculum is taught by a subject specialist teacher, who has received subject specific training. Design and technology is taught in every year group in blocks, which are designed to demonstrate progression both with knowledge. understanding and the development of skills. The food units are delivered by class teachers supported by the subject leader.
All design and technology lessons follow a structure which begins with a discussion about the unit’s knowledge organiser. The aim of this is so that all the children understand the topic and skills they will be covering, as well as introducing any new/key vocabulary. They will then be introduced to the skills and materials they need to use in their work, building on previous skills taught where appropriate. Then the children will be asked to explore their own creativity to apply these skills to a product for a specific user.
The children’s learning journeys will be recorded in design and technology books in each phase – KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS1 to track back across their complete and current projects. This includes investigative and evaluative activities and focus tasks relating to the design, make, evaluate cycle.
The progression plan includes the core knowledge and skills development that must be delivered for each year group, and this is what the children are assessed against. Key technical terminology is taught in context.
The impact of our design and technology curriculum is evident in the outcomes achieved by our pupils. Due to our design and technology curriculum, pupils leave our school equipped with skills, knowledge and an understanding of how the subject can contribute to their own lives and future career prospects.
The impact of our curriculum will be monitored through the following methods:
- Pupil/teacher discussions and questioning about their learning.
- Opportunities for peer and self-evaluation.
- A reflection on standards against the planned outcomes.
Pupil voice and reflection on the design and technology books are a key assessment tool, which will evidence the progression of skills across KS1, lower KS2 and upper KS2.

Please click here to see our DT skills and knowledge progression.