At Whitmore Park, we provide high quality Remote Learning for all children who are learning from home due to National Restrictions or because they are self-isolating. This is so that the children can continue with the same level of learning at home as the children in school and will help them to stay on track with their learning. The Department for Education have set high expectations for children learning at home such as schools providing access to a broad and balanced curriculum, providing good quality lessons and effective feedback. We will provide this and support parents and children to do their very best to achieve it whilst learning from home.

Please click this link for full information about how we provide remote education.

Please click here for our Remote Learning Policy.

We will provide:

  • daily English lessons including reading, writing, spelling or grammar
  • daily maths lessons including Maths No Problem lessons and arithmetic lessons
  • weekly lessons for all of the other lessons that we are teaching in school

We also expect the children to continue reading at least 5 times a week, practise handwriting at home, practise times tables on Times Table Rockstars and complete reading questions on Oxford Reading Buddy.


The lessons will include:

  • the expected learning outcome for the lesson
  • the vocabulary used in the lesson
  • lesson explanations of how to complete the work
  • videos or worked examples to demonstrate the main teaching point of the lesson
  • task for the children to complete

Guidance for parents

Lessons will be available on the Showbie learning platform each day for Y3,4,5 + 6 and on Seesaw for Y1 + 2.

Children should complete their work in their Remote Learning book, Maths No Problem workbook or directly onto Showbie or Seesaw. If children complete their work in the Maths No Problem workbook or Remote learning exercise book, please take a photograph of the work and upload it to Showbie or Seesaw so teachers can provide feedback.

Please read our parent guides for further information and frequently asked questions:

Feedback on learning

Teachers will provide daily feedback on the children’s learning on Showbie or Seesaw. As well as marking correct work and providing positive feedback, they will address any errors that the children have made, help them to correct the work and provide next steps to support.

Access to IT

If you do not have access to the internet or a suitable device (phones are not suitable devices) for your child to work on at home, please contact the school. We may be able to loan you a device for your child to use at home wherever we can make them available. We are also looking into the availability of reasonably priced devices that you may be able to purchase. We will provide paper copies of the lessons so that your child can continue to work on the same lessons as those with access to IT.


The class teacher will keep daily communication with the children through Showbie or Seesaw and may phone as well. If your child is not using Showbie or Seesaw, the class teacher or another member of school staff will make regular phone calls to check on how learning is going at home, provide motivation or encouragement and help to solve any problems. Please note that when a member of school staff calls it may come up on your screen as ‘no caller ID’.

Class Teacher Videos

Videos for Parents and Pupils

Here are some videos created by the staff and pupils of Whitmore Park that you might like to watch.

Read, Read, Repeat!

One of the most important and best things you can encourage your child to do to support their learning is Read, Read, Repeat!

At Whitmore Park, we’ve decided to have a month of reading, whether you’re learning at home or school.

We have asked some members of staff to read some of their favourite children books. Recordings of these can be found below.

School Nursing Team Information offers a fun way for children to learn about health with games, activities and quizzes.

Parents can call the School Nurses between 8.30am – 16.30pm, Monday to Friday on 02475189190 to discuss any child health concerns they may have. For advice and support from your school nurse please text “Chat Health” on 07507 329114 between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday. If your child is unwell please call your GP or call 111. For medical emergencies ring 999.

Life has its ups and downs
You can always talk confidentially to someone online or on the phone whenever you need to.
whatever your worry, it’s better out than in.
Call free, day or night on 0800 1111