Welcome to our Nursery! We provide a warm and welcoming Nursery that gives your child the best possible start to their school career.
The Nursery is led by an experienced class teacher and has qualified Nursery Nurses who work under the teacher’s direction. We have a wonderful learning environment that contains a stimulating classroom, a well-equipped outdoor classroom and a large field for physical activities that are so important for your child’s growth and development.
Throughout your child’s session they will receive a balance of adult led and adult supported activities, along with choosing time where they will be able to access both the indoor and outdoor classrooms. Children are encouraged to visit all areas of learning in both the indoor and outdoor classroom, to ensure that they are developing a wide variety of skills. the classroom independently. At Nursery your child will participate in many experiences. These will lay the foundations of the skills that they will build upon when they enter Reception.
The school follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (Revised 2021) which has seven main areas of learning. The implementation of this curriculum is rooted in the ethos of the school and the experience and beliefs of its staff.
The Foundation Stage
The curriculum guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) covers seven areas of learning:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Creative Arts and Design
Our broad and balanced curriculum is in line with the above curriculum guidance and Coventry City Council’s policy for Early Years education.
As early year practitioners, our role is to help children develop their independence and their confidence, to build upon the knowledge they already possess.
Language is always at the heart of our curriculum. We prioritise talking with and listening to the children We teach new vocabulary and concepts through our stimulating environment and adult led activities. The children will participate in a daily language group, which includes time to talk, rhymes and lots of stories. Story time is a large part of your child’s Nursery experience, and we aim to thrill and excite your child so that they begin to develop that lifelong love of reading and books.
We are aware that children do not all learn in the same way or at the same rate, so we aim to provide learning experiences which take account of children’s individual needs and interests.
Times of a school day
The pupils attend either 5 morning or 5 afternoon sessions.
We do offer some all-day places.
- 08:30 – 11:30 morning session
- 12:15 – 15:15 afternoon session
- 08:30 – 15:15 all day session
Morning / afternoon sessions routine
Entry to the school for nursery sessions is via the gate in the green fence to the left of the school’s main entrance. Pupils are registered on entry to the classroom for either the morning or afternoon session (08:30 & 12:15 respectively). If you arrive later than 08:40 (for the morning session) or 12:25 (for the afternoon session) then please use the main school entrance.
Please click here for our expectations of punctuality with arrival & collection of your child.
All day sessions
Children attending the nursery all day may be eligible to receive 30-hour childcare funding which is subject to criteria set by the government, please visit https://childcare-support.tax.service.gov.uk for further information, or to apply for this funding.
Children who wish to attend the nursery all day but who are not eligible for the 30-hour funding, will be charged at a rate of £15.00 per additional nursery session (£5.00 per hour). You will be invoiced once a month.
Lunch time childcare
If you choose for your child to remain in school during lunch time you be required to pay £4.00 per day to cover the lunch time childcare, this applies to both children who are eligible for the 30-hour funding and those who are not.
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to provide school meals for the children who attend nursery all day, parents will be required to provide a packed lunch.
If your child attends a morning or afternoon session you can extend their session to cover the lunchtime period from 11:30—12:15, the £4.00 per day childcare charge will apply and you will be required to provide a packed lunch.
Mrs McShane
Nursery Teacher
Mrs Cottingham
Nursery Teacher
Mrs Moss
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Gangani
Teaching Assistant
Miss Marsons
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Patel
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Kathiramar
EYFS Additional Support
Mrs Phillips
EYFS Additional Support
Our Day in Nursery
On arrival at school, children are encouraged to find their name card and hang it on their coat peg.
There are a wide range of activities awaiting the children when they enter the classroom and they are encouraged to choose where they would like to play.
Throughout the session there will be small groups with an adult and some adult supported groups. There are always adults available to support your child’s learning through their own choices.
The garden is open to the children daily during “Child initiated sessions”. Children can work outside if they wish to do so. In addition, where possible we do like to take group sessions outdoors. It is important that your child has suitable clothing – wellingtons and warm clothing in winter; sun hats and sun cream (applied at home prior to the session please) in summer.
During the Nursery session we hold a snack time. Your child will be able to have a piece of fruit to eat and a drink of milk or water. Snack time is also a very valuable social time for your children. Fresh water is available throughout the day. Therefore it is not necessary for your child to bring a water bottle to school.
Nursery children do participate in weekly P.E. sessions. The P.E. sessions begin during the second half of the Autumn Term. You will be notified about P.E. on the Nursery Newsletter.
Nursery Newsletter
In addition to the school newsletter there is a weekly Nursery Newsletter that is emailed to parents to keep you fully informed.
Parents as Partners
Nursery is the often the first contact that parents have with the school. We enjoy working in partnership and building those early relationships with our parents as you understand your children best of all. The Nursery teacher is available at the end of each session to speak with you informally.
Parent’s meetings are planned throughout the school year but you are always welcome to arrange informal meetings with the Nursery teacher after school at any time.
If you have any queries please contact the school and staff will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Curriculum information
At our school we follow the ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)’. The EYFS framework sets the UK standards for the learning and development for children from birth to five. To support our provision and planning for learning and development we follow the ‘EYFS profile’ and we use ‘Early Years outcomes’ to support our judgements.
If you are interested in more detailed information please follow the links below.
September 2024 New Pupils
(updated Apr 2017)