
At Whitmore Park we strive to develop independent learners who are prepared for the next stage of their education. Our PE curriculum provides pupils with inspirational and engaging real life experiences that develop a range of skills. Our scheme of work ensures that children have a varied and well mapped out PE curriculum. It provides the opportunity for progression across the full breadth of the PE National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2 PE. Children build upon their previous knowledge each year, firstly cementing skills and then applying skills into games. It is our intention to develop a lifelong love of physical activity, sport and PE in all young people. We aim to help ensure a positive and healthy physical and mental outlook in the future and help young people. Within each lesson, we strive to give every child the opportunity to develop skills in PE, consider the impact on their health and fitness, compete/perform and evaluate. Our PE is split into 3 strands: Curriculum, extra-curricular and competitive school sports.  


We have a specialist PE team consisting of a teacher and a Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) PE Coach who deliver high-quality lessons that cover all areas of the PE National curriculum.  

Each class has two one-hour long PE lessons a week, one taught by the PE specialists and the other taught by class teachers supported by the PE team. Our overarching aim is for PE specialists and teachers to have the knowledge and skills they need to feel confident in teaching all areas of PE, regardless of their main areas of expertise. Staff training sessions have been led by the PE team to ensure that all teachers are given good teaching strategies to teach high quality lessons. The PE team have pre planned lessons to provide age-appropriate plans that meet all the needs of the PE National Curriculum. Lessons are planned alongside subject-specific progression maps to ensure that children are given the opportunity to practise existing skills and build on these to develop new or more advanced skills. There is a structure to the lesson sequence whereby prior learning is always considered and opportunities for revision and practise are built into lessons. This allows for skills development to become part of good practice and ultimately helps build depth to the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in PE.  

School Sport and Extra-Curricular sports are used to help kickstart a lifelong love of physical activity and sport. We run a wide range of extra-curricular clubs either before or after school. They allow children to participate in different sports whilst trying to encourage children to continue their love of sport outside of school. We have made excellent links with local clubs to provide a pathway from children participating in sports in school to outside of school. Children have the opportunity to join local football, rugby, tennis and swimming clubs.   

We strive to improve children’s Cultural Capital by giving them the opportunity to experience competitive sports within school and at School Sports competitions. All children will compete in intra school competitions at the end of each topic, this gives children a fantastic chance to apply their skills to a game situation. There are also excellent opportunities throughout the year for children to compete in inter school competitions through the Coventry football and netball leagues and the School Games competitions (sportshall athletics, quad kids, football, netball.) Through our links with local sports teams, we will also get tickets to local events to give children the chance to experience professional level games (dependent on Covid restrictions). 


Each unit is mapped against the progression documents to ensure that learners develop detailed knowledge and skills across the full breadth of the PE curriculum through engaging and age-appropriate curriculum content. Teachers will use the skills progressions to assess children throughout each topic they do in PE. Teachers will use AFL in each lesson to monitor and assess children’s progress which will help inform future lessons and areas for development. Notes will be made after each lesson to record whether children are working towards the skills progression or not. At the end of each topic, during competition week, teachers will make their decision whether children have used the skills consistently and correctly for that unit of work. At the end of the year the PE team will determine whether children are working at an age expected level or not.  

 The high quality and consistent approach to PE teaching should significantly improve attainment in knowledge, vocabulary and skills in PE. We will measure whether the impact of a high-quality curriculum and excellent provisions of extra-curricular sport contribute to better social skills, resilience, well-being and more confident children. This will be done by using a survey to measure these specific things.  

Please click here to see a full copy of our PE intent statement.

Extra-Curricular Sports

Follow this link for details of all the sports we do outside of lessons