Please send enquiries to:
Acting Assistant Headteacher/Inclusion Lead (SENDCO): | Miss L.Parsons | |
Early Years SEND Lead: | Miss L.Parsons |
Below is the SEND information report for Whitmore Park Primary School.
Contact details of support services for the parents of children with SEND
Educational Psychologists:
- Joanne Bailey
- Marta Paulo
CCT (Complex Communication Team):
- Dianne Gilmore
SEMH&L (Social Emotional Mental Health & Learning):
- Jayne Gough
- Tarina Slater
Speech and Language Therapy:
- Nasra Sheif
Sensory Support Service:
- Joanna Appleton
Contact details of parental support groups
SEND information, Advice and Support service (SENDIASS)
Independent Parent Special Educational Needs Advice (IPSEA)
Arrangements for supporting pupils with SEND in transition between phases and schools
Entry into our Nursery or Reception:
The SEND lead and Nursery teacher will complete home visits and assessments for any pupils with SEND. Staggered starts are arranged for those pupils who need it. Pupils coming from enhanced pre-school settings are visited in setting several times in the summer term to ensure the needs are clear and adaptions are made prior to the start date.
Where necessary transition meetings with SEND EYT, Class Teachers, SEND Leads and parents will be held.
Transition into Whitmore Park Years 1-6:
Parents of Children transitioning into our school, who are in Years 1-6 will be asked to inform us of any additional needs on their admission form. Relevant meetings with the previous school will be setup where needed.
Transition between year groups at Whitmore Park:
Children in years Rec – 5 will have a transition time where they will spend time with their new teacher in their new classroom. In this time the children will be assessed. Records will be transferred and teachers meet to discuss the needs of individual pupils.
Parents of children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or who are at the Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) stage will be invited to an additional meeting between current class teacher and new class teacher in July. Also, an additional meeting will be offered for parent and new class teacher to review the transition in September.
Exit from Whitmore Park:
Where possible, Year 6 pupils will visit their new secondary school and transition meetings will be held prior to them completing year 6. All SEND records are delivered to the relevant Secondary SEND lead and the needs of the pupils are discussed.
Information on where the Local Authority Offer is published
The Coventry Local Offer website has information about the services that are available.
Click here to go to and view The Coventry Local Offer.
This information will be reviewed annually.
Coventry City Council SEND Local Offer page
Services available to the public across education, health and social care