Please send enquiries to:
Acting Assistant Headteacher/Inclusion Lead (SENDCO): |
Miss S.Carney |
Early Years SEND Lead: | Miss L.Parsons |
Below is the SEND information report for Whitmore Park Primary School.
We provide a fully inclusive main stream primary provision. We strive to ensure that all pupils achieve their potential academically, personally, socially and emotionally in all areas of the curriculum regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs.
Listed below are the ways in which our school ensure they support all of our pupils including those with SEND in order that they can realise their full potential.
The provision for special educational needs at Whitmore Park Primary School
Whitmore Park Primary School is a 3-form entry main stream school. All children are expected to make progress related to their age and ability. Some SEND pupils have physical needs which, affect or inhibits their learning (e.g. vision or hearing difficulties). Some have difficulties with speaking, listening and understanding and in severe cases a global delay. We have pupils that have specific learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
Information relating to our school’s identification and assessment of pupils with SEND
Class teachers monitor all pupils and will identify children having difficulties in the classroom. These children will be brought to the attention of Miss Carney or Miss Parsons. The class teacher will provide targeted work for the individual pupil to try to “close the learning gaps”. Other learning strategies may be used to support the pupil as advised.
If the pupil still does not make progress then external agencies will be used for additional advice and support. Their reports will be sent to parents.
When SEND need has been identified as a contributing factor to safeguarding, attendance and welfare difficulties, these will be discussed at Inclusion Team meetings. (The Inclusion Team consists of the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, relevant SEND Lead and Pastoral Lead).
Policies for the provision for pupils with SEND with or without an EHCP (Educational Health and Care Plan)
Our SEND policy will give parents/carers the information about how we make provision for all pupils with SEND.
Arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with SEND
Teachers will assess at 3 assessment points during the year. Pupil’s targets will be reviewed and new targets set. This will form the pupils learning plan (if required) and this document will be discussed with parents.
Pupils who have a SEND need but are not academically significantly adrift will have a One Page Profile (if required) and this document will be discussed with parents.
For pupils who have more complex needs a ‘My Support Plan’ may be written. This will be discussed in detail as parents will contribute to this plan.
Children with an EHCP will continue to have an annual review multi agency meeting.
Approach to teaching pupils with SEND
The teachers will have the highest expectations for your child and all the pupils in the class. While we build our teaching on children’s knowledge we also endeavour to give the children new experiences to extend their thinking. We will engage the children in a variety of teaching styles and use a range of resources and strategies (which may be suggested by the SEND lead or staff from outside agencies).
The teacher will have assessed your child to identify gaps in your child’s learning. Support will be put in place to support and close these gaps.
1:1 support or small group sessions will be led by the teacher or a qualified teaching assistant. The plans for these sessions will be informed by the Pupils Learning Plan.
Your child’s class teacher will be happy to give the parent/carer more information about your child’s learning and progress.
How we adapt the curriculum and the learning environment for pupils with SEND
There is a lift for wheelchair users. There are also disabled toilets.
Activities available for pupils with SEND in addition to those available in accordance with the National Curriculum
We have a breakfast club which is available to all pupils including pupils with SEND. All children are encouraged to join after school activities and our trained sports professionals will ensure differentiated activities for pupils with SEND.
There is lunchtime provision for SEND children who find the busy playground difficult to manage. This provision has a high staffing ratio.
Support available for pupils with SEND
We employ professionals such as an Educational Psychologist and professionals from outside agencies such as Complex Communication Team or Social Emotional Mental Health & Learning. These professionals will work closely with teachers and teaching assistants to advise on the teaching and learning for pupils with SEND.
Contact details for SEND queries
Equipment and facilities to support children with SEND
We will make every effort to supply any equipment a child may need in school. E.g. pencil grips, sit fit cushions, sloping writing boards etc. Outside agencies will provide specialist equipment such as wheelchairs, standing frames etc.
Consulting parents of children with SEND
In consultation with parents, new targets are set to update the Pupil’s Learning Plans (PLP), One Page Profile (OPP) or My Support Plans. These will be reviewed, at least, three times per year.
The school will provide information about parent courses which may support their child’s learning/behaviour at home.
Annual reviews are held for pupils with an EHCP. The parents and other outside agencies will be invited to attend this review.
Consulting children with SEND about their education
Pupils with an EHCP are asked to give their views on their educational experiences which are part of the annual review. Questionnaires are used annually to ascertain parent views on their child’s education. Pupils with a ‘My Support Plan’ are asked to give their views each time it is reviewed.
Parents are invited to contribute to all plans.
Complaints from parents of pupils with SEND about provision made at the schools to the governing body
The first step is to make your views known to the class teacher. Where necessary, the class teacher will alert the SENCo who may contact you to discuss your view further.
If your complaint isn’t resolved by the teacher or SEND leads you can ask for a meeting with the Head Teacher.
If this still doesn’t resolve your complaint you can contact the Chair of governors.
Involvement of other bodies including Health and Social Services
The following outside agencies are used regularly:
- Educational psychologists
- Complex Communication Team
- Social Emotional Mental Health & Learning
- SEND Early Years Team
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Sensory Support Hearing/ Visual
Other agencies will be referred to where necessary.
Contact details of support services for the parents of children with SEND
Educational Psychologists:
- Joanne Bailey
- Marta Paulo
CCT (Complex Communication Team):
- Dianne Gilmore
SEMH&L (Social Emotional Mental Health & Learning):
- Jayne Gough
- Tarina Slater
Speech and Language Therapy:
- Nasra Sheif
Sensory Support Service:
- Joanna Appleton
Contact details of parental support groups
SEND information, Advice and Support service (SENDIASS)
Independent Parent Special Educational Needs Advice (IPSEA)
Arrangements for supporting pupils with SEND in transition between phases and schools
Entry into our Nursery or Reception:
The SEND lead and Nursery teacher will complete home visits and assessments for any pupils with SEND. Staggered starts are arranged for those pupils who need it. Pupils coming from enhanced pre-school settings are visited in setting several times in the summer term to ensure the needs are clear and adaptions are made prior to the start date.
Where necessary transition meetings with SEND EYT, Class Teachers, SEND Leads and parents will be held.
Transition into Whitmore Park Years 1-6:
Parents of Children transitioning into our school, who are in Years 1-6 will be asked to inform us of any additional needs on their admission form. Relevant meetings with the previous school will be setup where needed.
Transition between year groups at Whitmore Park:
Children in years Rec – 5 will have a transition time where they will spend time with their new teacher in their new classroom. In this time the children will be assessed. Records will be transferred and teachers meet to discuss the needs of individual pupils.
Parents of children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or who are at the Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) stage will be invited to an additional meeting between current class teacher and new class teacher in July. Also, an additional meeting will be offered for parent and new class teacher to review the transition in September.
Exit from Whitmore Park:
Where possible, Year 6 pupils will visit their new secondary school and transition meetings will be held prior to them completing year 6. All SEND records are delivered to the relevant Secondary SEND lead and the needs of the pupils are discussed.
Information on where the Local Authority Offer is published
The Coventry Local Offer website has information about the services that are available.
Click here to go to and view The Coventry Local Offer.
This information will be reviewed annually.
Coventry City Council SEND Local Offer page
Services available to the public across education, health and social care