Parents and carers can use this to communicate, manage payments for school dinners, clubs and trips, purchase uniform, update their child’s information and select their child’s school meal.
There are lots of additional features available within the app, which we will begin to roll out gradually once everyone has had a chance to get used to using it.
Please see details below of how to download the app
Please can all parents/carers download the ‘My Child at School’ application as soon as possible. This is now our main form of communication between the school and parents/carers. It is free to send messages via the app for both parents/carers and the school.
If anyone is unsure of how to do this, please come and see the office staff in school who will be happy to assist you.
The office staff will be available for parents and carers to come and see them for support with this on Parents’ Evenings too.
We also request that parents/carers choose their child’s school dinner choice in advance, as I’m sure you will appreciate, it takes up valuable learning time, if teachers have to do this for all pupils in class.
Parents/carers will need to follow the information below to download and access the app:
Please click on this link or copy and paste into your browser:
This will take you to the log on screen below:
Please enter your email address which you have provided to the school and click on ‘reset password’. This will generate a password for you to access the portal.
We are in the process of setting up various features and will be adding more features shortly.
The features available are on the Dashboard at the left-hand side of the screen once you log in to your child’s account on the portal and looks like this:
The current features available are:
School Uniform –Click into ‘products’ then select ‘school uniform’. This takes you to the online shop where you can order and pay for school uniform.
School Clubs – This feature went live on Thursday 13th September and a separate letter was sent out with details of how to book.
Trips – These will be available to book, give consent and pay for by clicking on ‘Trips’ once these have been set up.
Parent Evening Booking – Parents can book a slot for their child’s parents evening appointment by clicking on the ‘Parents evening’ tab.  This will allow you to book an appointment to meet your child’s class teacher.
School Dinners (view and choose a school dinner for your child) – Parents can select their child’s meal choice using the ‘dinner menu’ tab.  You will need to select the meal choice from one of the menus available.
Parent/School Communication – This will now be done through the MCAS app. and we will no longer be using School Comms.
If you have any problems accessing the MCAS App, please contact the School Office.