In Year 1, we encourage and support children to develop independence and nurture a positive attitude to learning. The children will experience a range of fun and engaging learning activities.

The children have four English and Mathematics lessons a week. Children are taught Phonics and Reading Comprehension lessons five times a week, where we continue to follow the Read Write Inc programme introduced in Reception.

In the afternoons, children are taught History, Geography, Science, RE, Music, PSHE, Mastering Number and Spellings. Each week, the children are taught Computing, Art and PE by our specialist teachers.

The children read weekly with a class teacher or teaching assistant either individually or during their Read, Write Inc lessons. We encourage the children to read 5 times a week at home. Please can you log each time your child has read in their reading diary. Children have the opportunity to change their books every Friday. Class Library books can be changed once a week on Fridays. Read, Write Inc books are changed on a Friday if the previous book has been returned. 

Letters to parents

Letters that have been circulated to parents are available for you to view and download here.


Please click here for our expectations of punctuality with arrival & collection of your child.


  • Beta Class Teacher: Mrs Begum
    • Beta Learning Support: Mrs Purewal & Mrs Williamson
  • Delta Class Teacher: Mrs Corbett (Year 1 Leader)
    • Delta Learning Support: Mrs Maidment
  • Gamma Class Teacher: Mrs Fazmi
    • Gamma Learning Support: Mrs Clements & Mrs Goldiszewicz

KS1 Additional Support:

  • Mrs Parnall

Carousel (PE)

During carousel, pupils will spend time doing Art, PE and Computing. 1 Beta and 1 Delta have PE lessons on Mondays and Fridays and 1 Gamma has PE lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays. On these days, please send children into school in appropriate PE kit.


This link gives you details of upcoming trips and educational visitors this academic year.


Each week, there will be short Maths, Writing and Handwriting activity to complete and spellings to learn. We ask for the homework to be kept in the children’s book bags with their reading books and diary in so their diaries can be checked every Friday. Homework is given out on a Thursday and should be returned by the following Thursday.

Curriculum Information


Year 1 Curriculum Map – Autumn Term 


Art & Design 










Autumn 1 


Drawing and Painting  

Digital Literacy  


Using technology Safely  


Different sentence structures and sentence couplets with cohesion: 


Room on the Broom 


Handa’s Surprise 


This is the bear 




Not Now Bernard 


Owl Babies 

Previous Reception experiences and counting within 100 




Local Area – Our School 









Hey You 

Old-School Hip Hop 



Run Jump Throw 




Who is a Christian and what do they believe? 

Seasonal changes 


Plants (Trees) 

Autumn 2 


Making a chair structure  


Computing Systems and Networks- Technology Around Us  

Comparison of quantities and part–whole relationships 



Numbers 0 to 5 





Toys from the past 

Rythm in the way we walk and Banana Rap 

How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times? 

(Christmas focus) 

Seasonal changes 


Materials (Naming) 

Year 1 Curriculum Map – Spring Term 

Spring 1 

UK Countries 

Drawing, painting and collage 


Creating Media-Digital Painting  

Stand-alone sentences and couplet sentences: 


The tale of Jack Frost 


Grendel-The cautionary tale  


Recognise, compose, decompose and manipulate 2D and 3D shapes 


Numbers 0 to 10 



The UK and it’s Countries 





In The Groove 


Attack Defend Shoot 

Dance Unit 1 


Who is Jewish and what do they believe? 


Seasonal changes  


Body parts and senses 



Spring 2 


Pop-up book 

Levers and sliders 






Creating Media- Digital writing  



Voices in the park 

Additive structures 

Addition and subtraction facts within 10 



Florence Nightingale 

Round and Round 

What makes some places sacred? 


Seasonal changes 


Materials and Properties 

Year 1 Curriculum Map – Summer Term 

Summer 1 

3D sculpture 








Computer Science-Moving a Robot  








Retelling of a familiar story 


Little Red Riding Hood 





Numbers 0 to 20 



Unitising and coin recognition 



Mary Anning 



Your Imagination 

Send & Return 

Hit Run Catch 





What does it mean to belong to a faith community? 


Visit to a local church. 

Animals including humans 

Summer 2 


Fruit Kebabs  


Computer Science-Introduction to Animation  

Character and setting description 


Jack and the Beanstalk  


Garden Flowers  


Position and direction 




An Area of the UK 



Reflect, Rewind and Replay 





Other Information

Please can children bring a bottle of water each day (no juice please). The children can refill them in school when required. Please send separate drinks bottles for the classroom and lunch boxes and please label water bottles as children may have the same bottle.

Children are provided with a piece of fruit each day at break time as a healthy snack.

Please label the children’s clothes with their name and class so we can return any lost items.

We are always happy to talk to you; however, we are focused on welcoming the children in the morning. We are always available after school – let us know and we will arrange an appointment.

When sending any money to school, please place it in a sealed envelope labelled with the child’s name, class, amount enclosed and purpose and hand it to the member of staff at the door in the morning. We are not able to take money from you at the end of the day. Alternatively, you can take it to the school’s main reception.

If you have any enquiries or concerns, please raise them in the first instance with your child’s teacher or teaching assistant. Should you need further assistance, please call the school to arrange an appointment with Mrs Squires (Deputy Headteacher) or Mrs McGibney (Executive Headteacher).

The national curriculum

Key stage 1 and 2